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晋江富乐鞋材有限公司是一家合资企业,坐落于福建省晋江市西滨镇,工厂占地面积约5000平方米,投资金额3000万元人民币,主要产品以海波利(HI-POLY)也称环保透气棉,以及记忆海棉(慢回弹海棉)和MDI高密度泡棉(PU-FOAM) 我司拥有完整的再生回收技术及开发能力,以生产高品质且具有防臭、高回弹、高透气、高吸汗等特性的再生材料,已成为富贵鸟、李宁、意尔康等知名品牌的供应商之一,并与其他厂商建立长期的合作关系。 Fule (Jinjiang) Footwear Material Co., Ltd. is a sole proprietorship company, which is located in Xibin Town, Jinjiang, Fujian province, China with convenient transportation access. Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. It is established in 2007 . the factory is about 4,6 0 0 square meters. Registered Capital is 30million RMB. Our main products are HI-POLY foam, namely is environmental breathable foam, Memory Foam and MDI High- density Foam (PU Foam). In recent years, our company has introduced a series of advanced equipment including Foaming machine , Automatic continuous foaming machine, straight knife machine, flat cutting machine, the thickness cutting machine, Circle cutting machine, Inclined cutting machine. In addition, we have obtained SGS certificates. Selling well in 20 cities and provinces around China, our products are also exported to clients in such countries and regions as Iran, Germany, India , Thailand. Our company owns complete reclaimation technology and development capacity. We manufacture recycled materials of deodorization, high resilience, high breathability, and high absorption. Our company is one of the suppliers of some well-known brand ,as well as has built long term business relationship with other companies. Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or seeking engineering assistance for your application, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements. Looking forward to working with you and build long term relationship together.
**公司名称**:晋江富乐鞋材有限公司 **招聘职位**:销售专员 **工作地点**:泉州晋江西滨镇 **招聘人数**:5 位 **发布时间**:2025年2月18日 --- #### 职位描述: 1. 负责公司产品的市场推广与销售工作,完成销售目标; 2. 开发新客户,维护老客户,建立长期稳定的客户关系; 3. 收集市场信息,分析客户需求,制定销售策略; 4. 参与公司组织的销售培训,提升销售技能; 5. 定期汇报销售进展,提交销售报告。 #### 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上学历,市场营销、商务管理等相关专业优先; 2. 1年以上销售工作经验,有相关行业经验者优先; 3. 具备良好的沟通能力、谈判技巧和客户服务意识; 4. 工作积极主动,抗压能力强,能够适应出差; 5. 熟练使用办公软件(如Word、Excel、PPT等)。 #### 薪资福利: 1. 薪资结构:底薪+提成+奖金,具体面议; 2. 包吃包住,节日福利; 3. 完善的培训体系和晋升机制; 4. 团队氛围融洽,定期组织团建活动。 #### 应聘方式: 1. 请将简历发送至邮箱:fule.3688@aliyun.com 邮件标题格式为“应聘销售专员-姓名”; 2. 联系电话:13788861834(工作日9:00-18:00); 3. 面试时间及地点将另行通知。 --- **晋江富乐鞋材有限公司期待您的加入,共创辉煌!**
**公司名称**:晋江富乐鞋材有限公司 **招聘职位**:销售专员 **工作地点**:泉州晋江西滨镇 **招聘人数**:5 位 **发布时间**:2025年2月18日 --- #### 职位描述: 1. 负责公司产品的市场推广与销售工作,完成销售目标; 2. 开发新客户,维护老客户,建立长期稳定的客户关系; 3. 收集市场信息,分析客户需求,制定销售策略; 4. 参与公司组织的销售培训,提升销售技能; 5. 定期汇报销售进展,提交销售报告。 #### 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上学历,市场营销、商务管理等相关专业优先; 2. 1年以上销售工作经验,有相关行业经验者优先; 3. 具备良好的沟通能力、谈判技巧和客户服务意识; 4. 工作积极主动,抗压能力强,能够适应出差; 5. 熟练使用办公软件(如Word、Excel、PPT等)。 #### 薪资福利: 1. 薪资结构:底薪+提成+奖金,具体面议; 2. 包吃包住,节日福利; 3. 完善的培训体系和晋升机制; 4. 团队氛围融洽,定期组织团建活动。 #### 应聘方式: 1. 请将简历发送至邮箱:fule.3688@aliyun.com 邮件标题格式为“应聘销售专员-姓名”; 2. 联系电话:13788861834(工作日9:00-18:00); 3. 面试时间及地点将另行通知。 --- **晋江富乐鞋材有限公司期待您的加入,共创辉煌!**
·联 系 人: 曾维民
·电  话:
·传  真:
·通讯地址: 西滨镇滨海街280号
·邮政编码: 362200
·公司网址: http://jjfule.en.alibaba.com
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